

Background of 'ZaZa'


庭から見た座・座の全景 天台密教の世界観を表す石組み
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The Hashimoto-family residence, built in 1645, was a building that belonged to Bimiou Temple, a sub-temple of Onjo Temple also known as Mii Temple. [according to the Onjo-Temple records] The garden and pond are said to have been constructed at nearly the same time as the main structure. It has a cut stone bridge and dry waterfall. It is a very rare Japanese garden that constitutes the different worlds of Kannon and Fudomyoou.

一の間(書院)と二の間をつなぐと和風小ホールにもなる 畳の上の演奏会。ホールとは違った空間との親和性を楽しむ。


The garden was also occasionally used as a concert stage. Arousing the interest of both performers and audience and creating a space to enjoy a dialogue with nature, it was not just a garden to see, but also a garden to feel.

水面に映る風景はもう一つの世界を見せてくれる 雪が庭の別の顔を見せてくれる 庭の住人「モリアオガエル」


It is not documented when the Hashimoto estate ceased to function as a priest's residence ("bo"). However, prior to World War II it had already begun to be used as a private residence, a role that has continued to this day. Although part of the building has been restored, the majority remains as it was when first constructed.

書院と床の間 書院から庭を見る


The Ichinoma, or primary room, was preserved in its original state. With its large alcove and high ceiling, the interior of the room gazes out at the garden in all seasons and is penetrated by the shimmering light reflected by the pond's surface. These symbolic scenes of Zaza unify both the garden and building.


Tatami mats connecting the recently restored Ninoma (secondary room) and Ichinoma are used as a concert hall and performance space.